Friday, July 31, 2015
Moving thoughts... with a letter to a potential home buyer!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Why 2 is better than 1!
I am loving life with my new Evan. I will admit, after having a toddler almost full time with me in June I have moments where I think, "Man, Evan... I forgot you newborns are kind of boring..." But I will take "boring" and precious and sweet and cuddly over witching hours and screams. Infants may not be my favorite stage/age, but I do love babies and I love mine with all my heart!
But it is so amazing seeing Declan be a big brother. Whoever gets him out of his crib in the morning, he now asks "Where's my baby Evan?"... not "Where's Mommy/Daddy?" He asks to hold him at least once a day, but more like 3 times and he is gentle at saying all day. He tries to put his nook in when he cries, though Declan is giving up on nooks too. Evan just isn't going to take one and that is now fine by us.
I do feel bad I am definitely taking less pics of just Evan as Declan tends to make it in half to pictures... but 600 pictures of Declan in his first 2 months of life may have been excessive... I'll get the cute ones taken care of for memory books and photo albums!
I really had only been fearful about scheduling days and not being able to help Declan and Evan at same time, but really it has always worked out fine. Sometimes Evan has had to wait a couple minutes or Dec has had to wait 20 mn too but his patience is growing.
However, this comic had me laughing with tears the other day and I am sure it will come true! Declan already will hit Evan when I am nursing if he wants negative attention but I am ready for the rough and tumble days too! Thankfully he can't turn a doorknob yet and has spent his fair share of time playing alone in his room during feedings.
A few tips i have found make things easier is just plan 30 minutes to get out of the house.... and lock a toddler in his carseat 20 minutes before we leave, and get him out our the car always last. Another thing I am glad I did was hide/store away some toys and books and puzzles and can pull them out before I nurse and they are like new toys again! Letting him help with Evan as much as he wants and Evan talking to Declan always works to get a laugh out or get Dec to listen/do something!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Hello Fresh Review
Simply put, I love it. Food delivered right to my door, in correct portions, with super easy recipes to follow, and delicious meals I would never think up on my own. Fun to get more ideas to re-make too! We will definitely continue to do it once or twice a month for variety and on the busy busy weeks! It is a bit expensive (60$ for 3 meals for 2, but the meals are large enough for Declan to eat with us and we had leftover for one lunch each time! But you have to see for yourself what you think... Get your first box 40$ off by using this referral code or go to, check it out and create an account and enter my code in coupons: SH6DWQ and then I get 20$ off my next box too! That will help us all make it super reasonable ;) I mean you all know I'm really just blogging about this to help you and help me, right!?!
But there is no required time to try it, no cancellation fees and you can easily pause weeks you don't want it to come. I have ours paused the next 3 weeks because we have to get thru freezer meals I made and so many awesome friends and family brought us with Evan! You have 6 different meals to pick three from too so you can be sure you get something your family would like.
Two of the receipes did have about 20 minutes of prep/cutting, but was so easy with all the produce and ingredients right there in their box... and I enjoy cooking and found it relaxing and just did this part during nap times. The quality of the produce and meat/fish was better than anything I ever buy at store! I also liked that we (Declan included!) tried new foods and liked them! Chrizo, fennel and purple sweet potato chips were delicious and I have never cooked with them!
I am definitely not a food photographer but below is a fennel orange citrus chrizo cod cooking and my favorite recipe of the three was Thai Beef Style Noodles! (The carrots were noodles! Sadly, Declan didn't eat them like I thought it would... he loves carrots and loves noodles but flavor on them may have been weird to him or he wasn't very hungry...) Andy liked and ate them and he doesn't eat carrots by choice usually!
Only thing I feel a little guilty about is the packaging waste but they definitely advertise you are wasting no food and if you bought all the ingredients at a store packaging waste would be similar. But on their website you can get credit by sending back the packing cooler cushions and the ice packs are super reusable, or just water and can be tossed.
Hope you give it a try and see for yourself if you like it!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
The Day of Evan
First off, I like numbers and have been really excited that June and July would have the 8th and 20th as significant events! June 8th... Declan's bday, June 20th.. Anniversary, July 8th... Evan's bday and July 20th... My birthday... Andy needs to start a savings acct for June/July presents :)
But I was really happy "Firecracker" stayed in until the 8th! And the experience of a scheduled c-section was better than a day of labor and going in for emergency c-section. Though for Declan I was exhausted at 11 pm at night and slept amazing and could get up the next morning. I was getting quite agitated and stir crazy with Evan's first day and me being wide awake, adrenaline rushes and unable to move! I survived and was out of bed by 3!
This time around, Andy and I both got to see at the same time with a little window in the surgery sheet that baby was a boy! It was so special and brought us both to tears! Anyhow, also now with c-sections in Hutch, they don't make me recover in a separate room and I got to recover with Evan the whole time, and be there for his whole super alert first 2 hours and nurse right away! And they don't do baths til later in the day so he didn't leave us for 6+ hours!
I really beg everyone to strongly consider waiting for the surprise in the hospital for gender of your baby because I just don't know if there is anything more exciting! But I know that's just my opinion... but I love it! I really think and said I was 50/50 with wanting either a boy or girl, but after having Evan, I do think I wanted a boy more! Our family is complete as we had decided and double checked with each other daily the last couple months to "tie my tubes" and stick with Man on Man coverage!
But if anyone wants to use our girl name, Saigelynn Mary, they should(Saige mainly, Andy wasn't a fan of the "lynn", but I wanted my name carried on!) I really, really loved that name... but the thought of tights, bows, ribbons, coordinating outfits, too much pink/purple, shopping, drama, boyfriends, etc. had me much more petrified than brothers wrestling around! Plus, with our boy, I got our ABCDEF family of names ;) Andy also wasn't for selecting an E name, but he ended up suggesting Evan and we both loved it! I like the multiple meanings of Evan too: God is Gracious, Young Warrior and Rock!
Anyways, Evan Francis was a good size at 8 lb 8oz (again, on July 8th... 8 will have to be a jersey #!), 20.5 inches long and was practically back at his birth weight before we left the hospital! The hospital stay was perfect with lots of recovery and relaxing time which I am trying to continue at home but I have a hard time sitting still!
Monday, July 6, 2015
4th of July.... in July!
We started the long weekend with some fishing Thursday night! We had intentions of getting out more in the boat but too much wind, or other super fun stuff (and some projects) got in our way.
But Thursday night was the start of Declan's holiday weekend late bedtime... 10 pmish! The next two nights he was up past 930/10 too and did great sleeping til almost 8am and being a happy boy still the rest of the weekend. Sunday night he crashed and was asleep by 815!
He did a great job in the boat with us for over 2 hours and his attention on his bobber "was hooked" especially after catching fish with Daddy!

Saturday night we grilled with Schwedlers and had fun celebrating the 4th and their new lake house with FIRECRACKERS! :) Declan did well and was brave with the loud noises as long as headphone muffs were on! Brockway didn't care too much for her birthday fireworks but she was brave too!
We also got our last belly pic sign in... click on link and scroll to the bottom to see Firecracker vs. Junebug at 39 weeks!
Park tour COMPLETE!
Shady RidgeWomen's Club (Piano Park!)Rotary- New Fitness Addition!Oddfellows (Purple Dino Park)RobertsMasonic/West RiverRiverside Jaycee (Rollie Slide Park)Kiwanis (Rocket Hill)Fireman'sKimberlyNorth Woods Click link as I did it's own small little blog as I was practicing photo collage and Blogger app on my phone :)Lions Park EastTartan Park- (Pirate Park)North/Community Playground (Park Elementary)-- Our "Home" ParkSouth (Frisbee Golf Park)VFWElksLions Park WestRolling Meadows- (Slideless/Easy Park)DriftridersWest ElementaryJunior Community WomenSt. A'sBike and Skateboard Terrian Parks (Bridge Park)Our Savior's Lutheran Church (ABC, 123 Park!)Library Square "Park"Hutch Rec Center PoolSilver Lake PoolGlencoe Pool- Gaylord Pool
- Lake Minnetonka Regional Park & Swimming Pond
Lake Elmo Park Reserve
Friday the 3rd. This technically wasn't a new park for Dec but the few times we'd been their before of after ECFE I didn't have phone or camera or we didn't stay long. Today we had Croix, Andy's new golf club to practice and lots of time to slide, climb the dinosaur and climb the tunnels all by himself. Also, I'm a huge fan of the rubber tire mulch on the ground as it doesn't get in Declan's sandals like rocks and wood chips!
Glencoe Pool:
Junior Community Women's Park
Friday, July 3, 2015
4th of July... in June :)
We met at Lake Elmo Park reserve and it is an awesome area with 3 great playgrounds (which Dec cared nothing about since we walked around the whole "pool" lake first!) He just wanted to swim!