Sunday, June 16, 2013


As my previous "part 1" The Week Before Declan ended with... contractions started Friday night pretty regular and weren't stopping after 3-4 hours but weren't 5 minutes a part the whole time... so I went to bed because I was NOT going to the hospital unless it was real...

Well, at 3-4 AM, I knew it was real...and the contractions I'd been having the last week were always tight/cramping top half of stomach, but they had to  switch to lower half and stronger cramping...  I broke the news to Andy at 6 am he wasn't able to golf that morning... by 10 we were at the hospital, I was at 4 and I was STAYING!  BABY DAY!!

I was going to try to not have an epidural, but liked that the possibility was there if contractions were unbearable.. But was told at my 39 week appt. it was not going to be an option as the anesthesiologists were worried with scar tissue from my rod it may not work well, and didn't want to risk infection on the hardware. So I was explained options they could do with IV drugs and the 2-hr spinal shot... both I did end up doing...

But truly, my labor and contractions still were not as bad as I anticipated.  Andy was awesome at counter back pressure with a tennis ball that made me think of and miss my Croix boy!  I got to relax in the tub, and still took walks and stayed busy watching lots of Friends between contractions! At 8 cm I opted in for the fentanyl as was getting nervous about pushing, and my dr. urged me to do spinal at 9cm.... by 5:30:

I'm at a 10!!  Push Time.....   but 2 hours later... still at a 10... baby hasn't moved... stuck... csection time so Andy got all prepared in scrubs.  He looked GOOD to me in scrubs... but maybe that was the "drunk" fentanyl talking!!
  I was prepared and had a good feeling we would end up with a csection due to my scolosis rod in my back  (also sprung on me at my 39 week appt...) and was at peace with that and ready to meet my baby!

It's a BOY!!!  Declan Andrew Thrall!  8 lbs 12 oz, 21 inches long, 9:27 pm

Cutting the cord!  Andy says it is A LOT harder than you'd guess... he had to squeeze hard twice!
 First family photo.  That same grumpy face by Declan is still a favorite of mine.  But you can see how Andy is just smiling and glowing under that mask? Ya, after almost all 12 hours of hospital, thru contractions and pushing and csection news, I didn't cry... I cried when Andy told me it was a boy and was just smiling and tearing up thru his masks.  I was so serenely overjoyed (but truly I've said before... I truly thought/felt all along "Junebug" was a girl!)

His first "burrito roll" by Dad... He loves burritos just like Daddy!
Of course every mom is the most biased, but man, I think he is the cutest newborn ever ;) 

I want to close this part with a shoutout to all my nursing friends.... I know you are all fabulous and I definitely have always appreciated people in the medical field, but every single nurse in the Labor and Delivery wing was just wonderful and empathetic and hardworking!  They gave me a much closer viewpoint to all you have to do in your jobs and I THANK YOU!!

Soon Declan's picture should be here:  Declan's Gangster Hutch Hospital Birth Announcement

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