Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lists I've been thinking about....

These are things I loved about being pregnant:

5.  Having new wardrobes from my dear friends who borrowed me their maternity clothes
4.  Catching up with friends I hadn't talk with enough lately
3.  Enjoying every last day and date night with just Andy and I.
2.  Every flutter, wiggle, kick, punch, kneeing, rollercoaster movement my baby made.
1.  Talking about the future and names and the traits we hope to raise in our baby

These are things I didn't like about being pregnant:

5.  Peeing every hour.  It is so wonderful now to have my bladder back!
4.  When people said, "Your life will never be the same.."    Duh... we know this... we planned this baby and we are excited for the change or when people said, " You'll never leave your house again and do anything fun."  B.S.... this isn't true if you don't let it be true. Declan has done more in 2.5 weeks than some kids do thru high school!
3. When people said,"Ohhhh... you are SOO gonna have that baby ANYDAY."  Well, they were all wrong.  Wrong wrong wrong.
2.  When people said, "How can you NOT find out what baby is?"  That just annoyed me.  I loved not knowing and don't think we'll find out with our future child/ren now either.  The only tears I shed during labor/c-section were finding out we had a boy.
1.  Getting hives.  Torturous... wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.  BUT THEY ARE GONE... My back of  hands still itch a little each day but there are no visible hives on legs/arms/back!

These are things I love about motherhood:
5. Nursing... I get my boy not matter what every few hours.  (but I'm thankful for the invention of the electronic pump because he can have a bottle and I can leave for more than 2-3 hours if need be)
4.  Amazing family and friends flock to visit and help and spoil us with gifts of meals, clothes, gifts and gift cards.
3. The respect I have gained for my mother and mother in law and all mothers out there.  I can truly understand better now how no job is harder and equally as rewarding.
2. He knows my voice and smell and is instantly content with me if he was hungry/fussy with someone else.
1.  Parenting with Andy and seeing him be an awesome Dad.

These are my favorite things about my baby boy:
5.   His perfect name.  Declan: full of goodness    Yeah, we picked it but it couldn't be more fitting and it just IS HIM better than I would've thought at this point.  All the nicknames being thought up with it too, I love... Deckers, Dec, Deckels, Upper Dec...
4. When he his "rooting" before he eats... I LOVE the fast, cute head shake... Reminds me of when Croix is shaking around his toys!
3. He is a fantastic eater, napper and nighttime sleeper... for now... fingers crossed ;)
2. His big blue/gray eyes discovering the world
1.  It is impossible to not just stare at him and smile.. all day... every minute... the variety of faces he makes are precious.   Even when he is crying he is cute... again, for now...probably because he cries so rarely too... fingers crossed ;)   Here is our link to his newborn pics if you want to see them and you'll understand how cute he is!  Password is croix

 2 Weeks 

 His adorable crabby outfit- Thank you DeRocks!

Got my diaper changed before going to the College World Series

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