Monday, January 9, 2017

2016 Interview with Declan and Evan

Evan!! You were 18 months yesterday! I had started a letter and then remembered I wanted to do this as well and your letter was repeating a lot of the 16 month letter and our Christmas letter.  But basically you are such a Daddy's boy and I am your cook and diaper changer but you like when I read you books so I have that going for me!

Here are both your answers...(We were downstairs and circle time bubbles were in sight so that swayed lots of Evan's answers ;) )

I am this old:   Three and a half                    EVAN:  One and a half

The best show on TV is:  Not Octanuts   Best is Animal Mechanicals  EVAN:  Baba (Puffin Rock)  

My favorite thing about daycare is:  Playing with Finnegan  EVAN:  Bubbles

The thing I'm best at is: taking happy naps    EVAN: Pushing Up

If I could change my name it would be:  Meowth     EVAN: Bubble 

My favorite color is: Green and Red and White  EVAN:  Gaga Baby

My favorite toy is: Firetruck      EVAN:  Cars and bubbles

When I grow up I want to be: Elephant trainer  EVAN:  Daddy

I like to take these to bed with me at night: Water bottle and my firetruck so daycare doesn't have it   EVAN:  3-4 books, blanket

My favorite book is: Nibbles or Bubble Guppies     EVAN:  CONFETTI,  Goodnight Moon or Snowdog

My favorite movie is: Frozen  EVAN: Nemo

My favorite season of the year is:  Spring   EVAN: Summer

A food I really like is: Mac-a-Noodles  EVAN: Mommy's boobies

My favorite animal is: Penguin  EVAN: Dog Dog

My favorite sport is: Racquetball   EVAN: Car racing and Sledding

My best friend is:  Finnegan      EVAN:  Dada

My favorite holiday is: Christmas    EVAN:  Bball

My favorite thing I did this year: Played a lot!!   EVAN: Vacuum