My Dear Evan, You are officially a toddler in my book!
I'm not totally ok with it, this not having a baby anymore thing... But I am so proud of you and how you hold your own with the bigger 2 year olds at daycare! Your favorite words are No and Mine and MAMA!!! which means "Keep me Safe" when you know you do not want to give up a toy :)
On that note, your brother may be my hardest at childcare (as most providers would probably say their own gives them the biggest challenge) but he is your protector and keeps you safe, laughs with you and brings you toys when you are sad! Lately, you two have been playing ball roll and throw and chase and giggling a bunch. It is probably my favorite part of the day just watching you two play together! Declan keeps asking when you are going to be 3 and be his age. He also cheers you on everytime you say a new word. "Mom, Evan just said cat! Mom, Evan just said bus!"
Your favorite toys are containers and anything you want to stick in them and shake. Then you do your dance moves and we laugh everytime! Evan, you try and escape outside everytime a door opens! Especially with your "dog dog"! You love cereal and granola bars... You head to that cupboard and clearly let us know when you are hungry! And the amount you eat I can't believe you were so tiny at your 15 month appt:
Weight: 20 lb 12 oz 20%ile
Height: 31" 40%ile
Teeth: 8
You ask for signing time now, I love seeing new signs and hearing new words daily! Books haven't really been your thing, but you have a few favorite you will always come see! You were just a tougher sleeper and rarely make it past 2 and then 4 am without needed cuddles but you started making it through the night this last week... I hope it stays that way for for Grandma Sue and Grandpa Tim when Dad and I leave you boys for our England trip!
I'm going to miss you for 6 days but so grateful for your awesome family to watch you!
I love you for all that you are, and all that you are yet to be!
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