I am this old: 1 (Almost 19 months)
The best show on TV is: Baby Baby Baby Time (Any and all Signing Time)
My favorite thing about school is: Otto (He says his name at least 5 times a day...)
The thing I'm best at is: Getting Mommy to carry me "Up peas" "Uppy"
If I could change my name it would be: Otto
My favorite color is: Orange (probably just his favorite fruit but he says it the most)
My favorite toy is: Farm animals/farm animal sound pull and hear toy
When I grow up I want to be: Up Peas in the SKY
I like to take these to bed with me at night: Two Blankies, Pillow, Elephant light at Grandma Connies and Pooh & Tiger at our house.

My favorite movie is: Cars
My favorite season of the year is: Summer-- Momma was home!
A food I really like is: Olives, Pizza, Hot Dogs, Carrots, all Fruit
My favorite animal is: Puppies and Horses
My favorite sport is: Balls
My best friend is: Otto
My favorite holiday is: Christmas
My favorite thing I did this year: Go to Myrtle Beach with all my Grandpas and Grandmas and Uncles and Aunt!