This has been one of the most amazing years of our lives and we have you to thank for that! We have had so much fun and joy seeing you grow so much in just one year; it is unimaginable what the next years will bring!
You've done a lot since you were 9 months! You went on your first airplane ride to Myrtle Beach, you have "walked" over 54 holes of golf, and love the bicycle trailer we go on rides with Croix Croix. Plus, you enjoyed all the field trips you go on with daycare! Since the weather is finally nice you have gone to lots of parks, a firehouse, met puppies and went to Dairy Days!
We had your first birthday party tonight and tons of your friends and family were here to celebrate with you! The baseball theme was a lot of fun and you enjoyed watching your friends play tee ball and playing in the water table we got for you! Of course the cake eating was the best! You were very dainty and clean at first til Grandma Sue gave you a nibble and then you dug in!
Age: 1 YEAR Dr. Appt. Wed, June 11th (Then we'll go meet Baby Schwedler!)
Weight: Guessing..20 lb Actual: 19 lb 13 oz
Length: Guessing..29.5 inches Actual: 30.25"
Head: Guessing..18.5 inches Actual: 18.5"
Feats/Mobility: You are talking real words (Croix, Mama, Dada, A Dah (all done), Uh-Oh!, hi, meow) and lots of babbling words! You are signing a bit more now (all done, more and bye, bye)! Grandma Connie and Auntie taught you high fives. You took 4 steps on May 26th and haven't stopped practicing, but no real walking yet!
Likes: Your red reading/looking out the window chair! Croix... it is the cutest when you say his name! That video shows them both in one of the rare times you say his name just one time. You usually say it 3-4 times! You have enjoyed walks on the golf course watching Mom and Dad. You work on your own golf game in your spare time too! Kids and other babies always make you smile. Saving money in your Coin Box- Cha-Ching! You also love "helping" mom anywhere in the kitchen, especially "loading" the dishwasher. You enjoy playing in Croix's water bowl by turning his food dish upside down and floating that. And you love chasing the cats and plopping right on Bouncer! He has yet to bite or scratch you but I don't think he really enjoys it!
Dislikes: Mom leaving the room (or Jessica... or whoever just had you last like Grandma Sue/Auntie B!). You really are in a phase where you know what person you want. Getting teeth... but what baby doesn't!? Your first one cut thru on May 20th and three more look real close! Taking you in the house from outside or you cry if Croix is outside without you! Closing the pantry or not letting you in the fridge starts a mini-tantrum too!

You are such a blessing in our lives Declan. The meaning of your name, full of goodness, still rings true every time we say your name! Any difficult moment and lost minutes of sleep, have been so worth it and really are just a blur in our memory! (Though you have been a pretty easy baby... we joke if we give you a brother or sister someday, they will make it harder on us!) I can't tell you enough how proud we are to be your parents. It is hard to say goodbye to your first year as our baby, and though I made it thru your Happy Birthday song I have cried the last two nights putting you to bed! But we know there is only more fun to be had and we are so excited!
Head: Guessing..18.5 inches Actual: 18.5"
Feats/Mobility: You are talking real words (Croix, Mama, Dada, A Dah (all done), Uh-Oh!, hi, meow) and lots of babbling words! You are signing a bit more now (all done, more and bye, bye)! Grandma Connie and Auntie taught you high fives. You took 4 steps on May 26th and haven't stopped practicing, but no real walking yet!
Likes: Your red reading/looking out the window chair! Croix... it is the cutest when you say his name! That video shows them both in one of the rare times you say his name just one time. You usually say it 3-4 times! You have enjoyed walks on the golf course watching Mom and Dad. You work on your own golf game in your spare time too! Kids and other babies always make you smile. Saving money in your Coin Box- Cha-Ching! You also love "helping" mom anywhere in the kitchen, especially "loading" the dishwasher. You enjoy playing in Croix's water bowl by turning his food dish upside down and floating that. And you love chasing the cats and plopping right on Bouncer! He has yet to bite or scratch you but I don't think he really enjoys it!
Dislikes: Mom leaving the room (or Jessica... or whoever just had you last like Grandma Sue/Auntie B!). You really are in a phase where you know what person you want. Getting teeth... but what baby doesn't!? Your first one cut thru on May 20th and three more look real close! Taking you in the house from outside or you cry if Croix is outside without you! Closing the pantry or not letting you in the fridge starts a mini-tantrum too!
You are such a blessing in our lives Declan. The meaning of your name, full of goodness, still rings true every time we say your name! Any difficult moment and lost minutes of sleep, have been so worth it and really are just a blur in our memory! (Though you have been a pretty easy baby... we joke if we give you a brother or sister someday, they will make it harder on us!) I can't tell you enough how proud we are to be your parents. It is hard to say goodbye to your first year as our baby, and though I made it thru your Happy Birthday song I have cried the last two nights putting you to bed! But we know there is only more fun to be had and we are so excited!
We love you through and through,
Mom & Dad
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