Monday, September 30, 2013

When I Grow Up...

I love hearing my 5th graders answer this question... I have 3 future pro athletes, 1 future firefighter, 1 engineer, 1 artist, 2 farmers, 2 vets, 1 student who is going to go to college at St. Catherine's, meet her husband and get married and have twins named Declan and Jordan all before she graduates and is a doctor.  At least that is what her Work On Writing Notebook said.  I'm trying to talk her out of the expensive undergrad college and marrying too young, but we'll see...  I have wondered lots this year what Declan will be when he grows up (which isn't really going to happen though... I've already shed some tears packing the 3 month clothes..)

However dream-filled and wonderful their wishes are, I know most of them will change their mind ten times and probably not become what they wanted to be in 5th grade... I was a rarity... Ever since 3rd and 4th grade with my inspiring teachers, Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Mattson, I knew I wanted to be a teacher and I never wavered from that want.  To this day I can't imagine being anything else.  I am very blessed that I love my job, the challenges and the joys and the variety that come with it each day and each year.  I love being surrounded by youth that I feel like I haven't totally grown up!

Not knowing my path has never been the case for me, but my beautiful, younger sister has wandered on her path finding her way a little longer than me (but a lot less longer than others ;) and even many who never find it or go for it ).   I am so proud that she is finding her way and has discovered the road she needs to take.

Please consider reading Britta's Story, and helping her make her dream come true!  And by helping her, you will help yourself become a little healthier when she returns! Check out what is in it for you!

So are you doing what you thought you'd be doing when you were in 5th grade?  What do you want to be when you "grow up"?  It is never too late!

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