Thursday, September 12, 2013

Liebster Award??

 I was caught off guard reading one of my regular blogs, Adventures of Baby M.D. , from my cousin's wife about her being nominated for a blogging award when I saw my blog name nominated by her as well.. I was like, nice... what's this?? Can I win something??  I kind of like winning things.. like kitchens...  I'm just a wee bit competitive as all you may know...  we won a kitchen in a Facebook contest last summer so I truly like contests.  Please vote for her... click on her page and on the vote for me badge in her top right corner of her blog please!

But I think (and maybe I'm wrong and still confused by the whole thing...) that I can't win anything but more blog traffic and I don't really need numbers of people reading my blog... though I'd like my followers to increase by one.. and that would be my husband  who has yet to read a post...  He keeps saying he'll catch up and read it all but we'll see... we'll see.  Declan will probably be reading his letters before Andy will!

And sorry friends, I'm not continue the true nominating of great momma blogs, but you can check out blogs I follow on my page and if I'm right, anyone can join and start your own Liebster award nominations and questions to answer and questions to ask lists.

But I do like answering questions so my friend posed these questions to her nominees so here are my answers:  I remember when that place MySpace did things like this and I like questions :)

1) What is your favorite vacation spot?  Everywhere I haven't been yet.  I can't pick anywhere I have been because they all were favorites for different reasons.  cop out answer, i know... get ready for a few more of those ;) 
2) What is the book you are reading right now?  Cuckoo's Calling... JK Rowling's pseudo name book... I'm not very impressed... It is taking me forever to finish... like over a month and that is unheard of for me and a book... but I'll give being back at work and exhausted some credit as 2 pages I'm out. 
3) Who do you look up to the most?  All mothers... but as cliche as it is, truly my mom... this job is hard with two of us so I REALLY have a newer, deeper, more empathetic appreciation for my mom doing it almost alone for years.  
4) What is the most embarrassing song on your iPod right now?  I don't use an iPod really... my husband and I share one, but haven't updated it for years... Probably most embarrassing song on it in my opinion is Discovery Channel by Bloodhound Gang.  Hate that song.. and I hate KungFuFighting...     I use TuneIn Radio and my phone the most and I'm not embarrassed by anything on there. 
5) What is your worst habit?  oh too many... but probably "multi-tasking" too much and not finishing anything well or quick
6) What TV show can you not get enough of?  Friends.  But really, right now I could do with no TV in my house.  
7) If you had a whole week free to yourself, (no baby or husband) what would you do?  Miss them by day 3... two days would be perfect.. but be with my Friends on a beach, reading, playing volleyball and golf and eating seafood and drinking wine.
8) What item do you refuse to buy the generic brand of? (if any)  I'm so cheap.. nothing I can think of... wait OREOS... I tried a generic brand because of a coupon and never again. 
9) Where is the most inconvenient place your child has pooped/puked/spit-up/peed?   we've been lucky... but it's only be 3 months so I know I'm doomed.. but funniest was ALL OVER the kitchen floor before his first bath... poop everywhere but only hit Dad a bit and cleanup on floor was easy... 
10) Where did you meet your best girl friend? Copout answer again...  I can't really answer this question again because I feel like I have a best girl friend from each stage of my life...  so high school, college, hutch, work, golf...   I truly am thankful and know I am lucky to have friends that I 
11) What is your favorite blog to follow (you can't say your own!) :)    Probably my Hutch girl so I can read about my godson and his brother.. I see them almost weekly but I still learn little things I wouldn't have like Ado is done :( 

So my one question for any mom who reads this is:

#1:  How do you remember the milestones in your child(ren)'s lives? 

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