Dear Dec and Ev,
Hi ho, Hi ho, off to work I go!
I just have to thank you both (and Daddy, and school, and God) for making the last few months the most memorable months of my life. I have never been one to believe that every moment of our life is predestined by God, but I know with all my being that He orchestrated the timing of Evan, Dad's new job and move to this exact time of our life. I hope some of the stressful moments will fade with time, but I never want to forget the simple moments due to the long term effects of infant and 2.5 year old sleep deprivation! Here are a few of my favorite moments:
1) Meal time "dates" and making meals together. Declan, you and I cook almost every meal together! And your Christmas present from Grandma Sue and Grandpa Tim was awesome... You want to make all the recipes yesterday in the cookbook and carry it everywhere. Now if I can convince you to wear the apron when we cook...

3) Library story hour on Monday was always a highlight of my week! Evan, you always captivated the toddlers... "Baby... baby... baby" and they rarely listened to stories but came and stared at you. I loved being able to play with you alone more when Declan "shared" (kept toys) from new "friends" (I don't want to play with them Mommy)! Declan, you had fun with storytime, songs & rhymes, craft, toys and books though.
4) Book nook... I am pretty good at saying no to things and holding my ground... but reading more books isn't always one of them. I loved the giggles and snuggles and talks we'd have in the Book Nook! Though I could be ok without reading Harold and the Purple Crayon for a few years!
5) Netflix snuggles Morning and after nap snuggles from you waking up Declan. And when you nursed Evan it always slowed me down in the most perfect rejuvenating way!
6) Children's Museum in the mall and St. Paul really were probably my favorite field trip outings! I love watching your imagination and play come to life!
8) Fun mini vacation trips! They weren't stressful as I didn't have to stay up late getting packed and unpack like while working! We had fun St. Nick's weekend in WI and fun at the Hinckley Casino/Hotel after Christmas with Papa, Grandma Connie & Auntie B!
10) Our first holidays in our new home. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's it was fun (for mom especially) to just be in our own beds and enjoy each other. We loved FONDUE! Declan asks for fondue every night for dinner now! We loved being with family, playing games and with all the new toys!
Even though we were so busy at times during the move and being on the go because I'm just not a homebody, I learned and enjoyed more than ever that it was the simple things of just being with you both that made this leave amazing.
And while your Auntie B is giving us one of the best selfless gifts in the world nannying with us, I think she will be getting one of the best gifts too enjoying the simple times with you both too.
Declan & Evan, I love you through and through. I love you for who you were yesterday, today and who you are yet to be,
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