Wednesday, December 2, 2015

10 reasons to join a (big) gym

Ok, joining any gym is awesome for you and your body, but these 10 reasons aren't mostly about my health... they stem around some random perks I didn't know how much I would enjoy when we joined "a big gym" after our move!  In no particular order:

#10: Cheapest childcare around... we pay 20$ A MONTH for both boys.. they can stay up to 2 hrs a time... do the math... way less than a dollar an hour if we make out 12 visits!!

#9: Mommy guilt-free me time. .. I am working out to be healthier to live longer for them, right??

#8: Me time... even if you don't wanna "work-out", hot tub or walk on the treadmill for the news

#7: Variety in classes and activites... I get bored doing the same thing... now I can continue to mix it up with Zumba, cycle, yoga, swimming, racquetball, volleyball, lifting!

#6: Save money on not buying hottubs, pools, treadmills, etc. you don't use enough and don't have to maintain.

#5: Use up all those hotel shampoos and soaps you know you take (while enjoying a shower on their water bill with no kids banging on the door crying that Netflix has stopped!)

#4: Blogging and reading blogs in the sauna... (That's where I started this blog!)

#3: Sleep better and have more energy... they say working out regularly does these things but always hard to believe until you feel it!

#2: Get some education with the free personal training consultation. It was interesting to use the body fat hand machine and have them working you to an intensity you maybe wouldn't push yourself.  Of course they try to sell you sessions with a trainer, and definitely do that if you can afford it, but I can't so figured there had to be an app for that!  I am using the JEFIT app for workout plan ideas to mix up my strength training.

#1: For us, reuniting with college friends who we played racquetball with has been a ton of fun. Even Andy and I having "date" matches where I make up rules to even the handicap bring us back to the dating years!

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