Tuesday, October 6, 2015

What I now know about moving

Our new home is feeling like our home!  Once the family was all in it, (for 3 days before Andy left on a work trip!) it was home and the things/surface don't matter.  (And after 40+ boxes... so so many "things" really, really don't matter!) 

It was great to have 9 days from closing before we moved our belongings in. I know this isn't always possible for people, but if it could be, do it!  It gave us time to do a few of the projects we wanted to get started, and time to just feel the house out and envision where we'd want things, how basic routines and the flow of the days would work.  

And even though I know Declan is young, I think seeing our old house getting packed and empty, and the new house getting our stuff has helped him to know we are staying here. He has asked for the "old house" one time, but it was passed over fast. 

I hope to not move for 20+ years, but if I do again, I would beg Andy to hire packers and movers. Moving is stressful and emotional enough, but it was a huge blessing to have the moving company service.   They are professionals, nothing broke, and one semi-trip for them would've been 4 U-hauls, 50% more boxes and dented walls!  And Declan thought the truck was cool, so there's that! 

But now that the unpacking has begun, I should have gotten rid of much more before.  In June and July, before the house was on the market, I did go thru every room and closet and made 4 trips to thrift stores, but it wasn't enough.  However, it was helpful noting everything then, and now just a few months later can say "farewell" faster.  Sarah recommended the The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  I thought I put the whole book on my kindle but it was just a summary... but for the sake of time, that was good.  I got the gist for purging... "Do we use it?  Does it bring joy? If no, thank it and farewell!"   The basement will be sorting zone for donation or a future 5$ table/fill a bag sale! 

  I know I am a person who likes to-do lists and getting things done, but I have had a few mini-panic attacks in our rooms, things not in order and we need in boxes.  But nothing takes as long as it seems if you just do it.  Spending time worrying and feeling overwhelmed is not worth it in the case of boxes, or anything for that matter.  But in all areas of my life I am working on not worrying and not being in control, and this moving thing is definitely helping that!

I also know I don't want to wait to have the fun projects done... Having the Hutch house on the market and fixing things there still, I want this house how I want it so we can enjoy it.  I think we know how to be better homeowners now too.  We will work hard to keep it up as well as the amazing previous owners. 

Pinterest is amazing... I always knew I'd like it and stayed away from it to not have another site to suck my time, but because I want things beautiful sooner than later, a high school friend is helping me Design my Dream Life!  She helped save me time and found all sorts of pins for me with our ideas, gave me great suggestions and opinions already.   So whether you are moving or just need a helpful hand to get things done in one room or five, I would recommend calling on someone with passion and a design eye!

I will be excited to share some projects I want to get done with Meghan's assistance in our family/dining room, office, and some finishing touches in our master bedroom in the next few months!

I have been busy settling in, but enjoying time so much with my boys. I haven't had time to miss Hutch yet, but I still know that is coming and that is ok.  I will love this life here, as life is here to love. 

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