Today we have been in Oakdale with our belongings, and everyone sleeping here for one week! (Well, Daddy was in Cananda for work already for a few nights!) Before there was a little bit of back and forth driving and sleeping at Schwedler's so Declan could attend daycare and I could unpack, but then we had a full weekend with Daddy before Andy left for Canada for his first work trip.
We discovered our first park about 4 blocks away! Declan was apprehensive first at the sand bottom as none of Hutch's parks have sand in the playgrounds but he named it Sandy Park and we'll be back with our sand toys next time!

Evan loves watching his big brother play in a box and me unpacking!

We attended storytime at Oakdale library and it was a great time watching Declan read, sing, play and interact with kiddos. Evan loved the songs and Declan laughed when I had Evan doing the actions! Evan was also Mr. Popular by all the preschool kids looking at the cute baby!
On a neighborhood walk with Croix we found a 2nd walkable distance park by chance! It has been dubbed Ambulance park because the wheel area is an ambulance... But then Declan took a "slide" down the thinner metal stairs and was skinned good. I'm afraid he won't want to go back to "Ambulance Park"
And at least Declan, Evan and Bouncer are having lots of fun with the boxes I'm unpacking... stickers, puzzles, trucks, slides, shapes and paint!
We also made it over to the Oakdale Farmer's Market to meet Jen & Addison and play at Walton Park too! It was by the Police Station (which Dec thought was cool of course counting all the police cars... "There's two Police cars Momma!!! " "Try again Buddy.." "1,2,3,4,5, 6 Mommy!" Well there were 7, but he was close ;) ) But it was just one of those days where I felt like he grew up before my eyes playing by himself so well, his imagination at work and the conversations he has with me make the days go too fast!
Evan napped almost the whole time in the stroller so no Evan pics :(
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