Thursday, August 8, 2013

The UnWired Challenge...

I knew this was for me in two minutes when I read her blog that my college friend just posted she was starting..

A) Because I got online at 6:45 to finish blogging 2 month old letter to Declan I started two days ago so I could finish it today (HAPPY 2 MONTHS DEC!!)  and 30 minutes later saw this on facebook after reading blogs and doing non-necessary things..

B) My husband is always right when he says I didn't hear him because I was looking on my phone playing stupid candy crush or facebook...

C)  I put limits on checking phone while golfing this year to not annoy my partner (who had every right to be annoyed)

D) My blog yesterday about roles and me wanting to be the best wife/mom possible I need to detach better and becoming un-addicted before I miss time with family and regret it!

And there is probably an, E, F and G but I'm going to keep those to myself ;)  And get this post done fast so I can read DAY 1 and finish his letter before Declan wakes up again!   Ha!  Both those will never happen but I don't care because I love his smiles and happiness in the morning!

So I may not get this done in 2 weeks, because of time/traveling/getting ready for going back to work,  I am going to read it/take it serious/and maybe blog more about it... but maybe not if it's not in my living free and unwired life I want to set controls on better!  Wish me luck you fellow blog "addicts" :)  J/k... most of you are not like me but if you are, do it with me!

1 comment:

  1. This is so good - thank you for sharing and being honest. It all starts with revelation and then a vision...a vision for something real and good. Keep on!
