Friday, August 16, 2013

Being boundaries...

This is an update from my previous post Unwired Challenge, from blogger and author of The UnWired Mom, .  As stated there, I knew I maybe would not get all the challenges down in order and in a row, plus having to read the ebook, but I am doing pretty well.  The book is a great little read and I enjoyed Sarah's honesty and all the advice from other authors too... especially What Desperate Mom's Did Before the Internet! by Ginny Walls.  

This post-it note (LOVE that my husband works at 3M... he was meant to marry a teacher ;) ) is taped on my GROUNDED laptop... My laptop now stays in my office, or sometimes if I want to be in more sunlight I bring it to my kitchen island/table for writing/school work I have spread out.   But I know my boys (including Croix!), a tidied house (I am about ready to give up on it being "clean" until next summer with heading back to work but want to now spend every weekend cleaning it for 6 hrs...), and some planks/push ups done make me feel happy and good so do I NEED to be on the computer at that moment?   I get online with a plan, only allow a tab or two open and stick to my plan and get off.

My smartphone stays on my kitchen island... all day... all night.   That is actually what I feel the most freed from..I used to have that attached to my hand, carrying it into every room, every hour of the day... nursing Declan at 3 am, I would check facebook and play candy crush and then bring phone back to bed with me and play on it for another 30 minutes even though I know bright screens don't help me sleep...  If people emailed, text, facebook, I felt I had to answer immediately.  With it in the kitchen, I check it when I am eating breakfast alone in the morning, and very sporadic, while standing up, throughout the day... about a million times less than before.  I respond to emails and non immediate texts, once a day now.  If I am watching a movie or tvshow with Andy, I'm watching it and not playing on phone.

I have quit Candy Crush... wow, do I have an extra hour in the day...However, my sister asked if I deleted app from phone and I said, "Not yet... I may play it on 14 hr round trip car ride to WI/home." But I may not and I am for sure deleting it after trip.  Because I plan to read more as I have almost finished a book I have been reading and am reminded that I love reading so do that when nursing, and falling asleep.

The book UnWired Mom only took me two days to read and below are the Challenges I have accomplished... be a bit out of order, I had to prepare around some school work and am not going "UnWired" until tomorrow....

Day 1: Stronger With a Friend... Have discussed and talked with husband and friend daily that I am doing this.  
Day 2: Write Out Your Why...  Previous Blog
Day 3: Set Up Internet Controls... I did not download an apps, but boundaries I have discussed above have really helped me recognize what I want to be free from.  
Day 4: 10-15 Years From Now... Love this! And I love dreaming and setting goals for the future, but I know I want to model good screen time for my kids and never turn them down for playing 
Day 5: Prepare for Time Offline--- Doing today... 
Day 6: An UnWired Day.... Doing Tomorrow
Day 7: Don’t Judge.... Definitely working on this with family and friends.  not a one day task, but everyday now that I feel more free.
Day 8: Your Ideal Day
Day 9: Your Realistic Day
Day 10: Interview Your Kids   Declan's a little young now... but may do something like this with my 5th graders!
Day 11: Get Together with an “in-the-flesh” friend
Day 12: Goals & Priorities
Day 13: Set Realistic Perimeters For Your Babes
Day 14: Have Purpose


  1. I'm right there with ya! I love the post it idea. I may have to try it :) My iPhone is my biggest addiction....I try leaving it on the counter and have relapsed more times than I'd like to admit.

  2. I'm going to read the book on our trip this weekend! And I'd like to do some of the goals with you (like day 1 and 11!).

    1. PERFECT! Especially DAY 11 and we can talk about all the other ones ;)
