Friday, May 8, 2015

For the New Moms-to-Be... and advice needed from 2+ kiddo moms!


I have had a couple friends recently ask me about "for sure things" to register for, what isn't necessary and things to do with their new babies!  So since I do love getting and giving advice, I thought I would blog about some of my opinions for new moms to be on their first Mother's Day Weekend and solicit  help for what I will do when Firecracker is here with two now!  Any other tips/opinions you have please let them know in the comments!


Video Monitor... This helped me tons with being able to lay Dec down awake and give him time to play and wake up slowly... See Babywise below!   I love our Summer brand, touch screen, scannable, color!   On sale thru Mom's Day at Target!

Space Saver High Chair... space saver... says enough!

Research Carseat Sizes... I didn't do this.. pay the money to have leg room for passenger size.  We got a infant seat he could stay in longer with height and weight, but he was too heavy for me to carry around in anyhow

One stroller that works for all your needs!  If I hadn't been gifted some gently used ones, I would've tried for less but we have 3.

Bouncy Chair.. He loved kicking in this and could rotate toys hanging in front of him!

Aden/Anis swaddle blankets

Lots of onesies... not many newborn/3 month clothes needed!  They grow so fast!!

Boppy Pillows and extra covers

Blankets and floor toys and books!!

Mirror for backseat


Bumbo Seat:  Not recommended by physical therapists, drs. and if they have chubby legs they barely fit!  Boppy pillows all you need.. save 30-40$

Swing:  Dec used his for like 2-3 months.  And only when awake as didn't want him to get used to falling asleep.  He would have rather played on floor most times and didn't last long.  Maybe if you have a colicky baby though they could need one.   UPDATE:  EVAN LOVES IT BUT MAINLY FOR SITTING UP AND BEING BY USE IN LIVING ROOM OR KITCHEN... HAS USED SINCE NEWBORN AND DOESN'T FIGHT IT LIKE DEC USED TO.

Swaddles with velco strapping in arms: seen scary stories of not being able to roll back over to back but got to belly..   UDPATE:  JUST FINE TO USE UNTIL ABOUT 2-3 MONTHS OR SHOWING ANY SIGNS OF ROLLING OVER ON OWN BUT I STILL DON'T LOVE FIGURING THEM OUT... Always went to Aden and Anis breathable blankets ;)


Pajamas and outfits with tons of buttons!  I preferred the zippers but some people liked buttons for just undoing legs for diapers... I couldn't stand figdgeting with buttons in middle of night or with a fidgety baby!


Babywise... Even if book can be viewed as "rigid" by some, I recommend thinking about how you will feel comfortable putting you baby to bed for the next year/two of their life.  If you want to rock them to sleep, by all means enjoy the cuddle moments because it goes fast.  But if you know you'll need your alone time and spouse time, many babies can learn to self sooth and sleep thru the night by 3-4 months old.  I just recommend the pattern of Eat, Play, Sleep, Eat, Play, Sleep... They wake up hungry and rested so they eat full meals and don't fall asleep eating and wake up 20 minutes later.  You lay them down when looking tired and they fall asleep on their own.  Don't create sleep crutches if you don't want to do them for long time.

Baby Signing Time.. I totally think Declan's vocab and lots of talking is credited to this.  We started signing at meals about 6-7 months old.  Love love love!!  It was my guilt free screen time he could watch but we did it with him too.   Loved this dictionary website when I wanted to look something up.

Baby Led Weaning:  Don't waste time and money with cereal, homemade baby foods/purees... Around 6 months just let them start chewing and exploring whatever healthy food you are eating. (I stayed away from sweet fruits for first couple months) They learn to chew before swallow and they love all sorts of textures and food!  Works on fine motor skills earlier too.  Dog recommend for cleanup though.. it is messier :)

Baby Brain Rules., A fascinating brain research book if you have time!



Advice Needed!! What do I need and need to prepare for with two now!!??!! ALL OPINIONS WANTED!

I know everything that worked  with Declan may be out the window with Firecracker, but time will tell!

When is latest I should get Declan in big boy bed?  He has made no attempts to climb crib, but he is a good sleeper so I'm not worried.  I just like the 20 minutes he'll play nicely in his bed when he wakes up at 6 am, but maybe he'll play fine in his room too?!

Any tips to help Declan understand his role as big brother? New rules he should have?  Toys/tricks to keep him occupied and happy when I'm nursing?

Sit/Stand stroller nice?   YES BUY... AMAZING.

Separating safe toy tips?

Scheduling outings and days with 2 schedules to keep?  JUST GO, 2nd kid adjusts fine!

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