Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dear Declan, You're 20 months old today!

This isn't a Dr. Appt month,  but 20 is one of my favorite numbers!  And is (mostly) my favorite age you have been, so here are 20 things about you I love, don't ever want to forget, or am just so proud & impressed by you with!

1.  You count now... Different order all the time but you get the idea!!

2.  Speaking of numbers, you throw a fit if you hear a timer being set and you didn't get to press the numbers... or I should say number... you really like to just hit the 2!

3.  You overhear conversations, and remember it for later.  Like today that Schwedlers were at the Zoo!!  Or that we took down the garbages so you wanted to watch for the garbage truck all day! 

4.  Trying to get you distracted or forget something doesn't work anymore!  And you don't always listen as well anymore so Timeouts have started more regularly... You had two today! 

5.  Even though you like going to sleep,  I love how you already stall and ask for more hug, more kiss when you are tucked in!

6.  You started reading books to your teddy bear and I think it brought your dad and me both to tears!

7.  Your real cry when teething/sick makes me wanna cry with you!

8. Your fake cry makes me want to win.  Gotta be honest here... looking at tantrums like a competition almost makes it fun for me.... almost...

9.  You clean up pretty well... if we sing the clean up song. 

10. You finally will watch something else besides Baby Signing time... Mickey and Sesame Street with Elmo/Cookie give me some variety and it is fun to dance with you.

11.  You love any songs with falling down...Ring Around the Rosy and Teddy Bear touch the ground bring out full belly giggles everytime!

12.  Today when we were on walk and you said, "Home"... and I said, "Ok, turn around" , you did a full 360 and kept walking towards the park!

13.  You say, I love you (with some prompting) and it melts my heart everytime.

14.  You tell me what you are drawing on your magnadoodle... twice it has been a horse and goats eating. 

15.  You think Firecracker is a girl. (Well, one time you said boy)

16.  You always try and repeat the last word we say. 

17. You build Star Wars Legos with daddy and I tear up, again.

18.  Croix is pretty much afraid of you... you have him better trained than we do. 
He begs from Dad again and dinner. Probably because he knows his actual dinner comes from you!

19. But you love him and your meows, and have to tell them all nigh-night at nap and bedtime!

20.  The first hug and kiss of everyday makes me want to stall (and often makes me 5 minutes late for work) and makes everyday better than the one before!

Love you through and through,


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