I was very excited when I found out I could do this Bob-n-Broc' MN Speed Golf tournament this year!
The weather was great, the sunrise a beautiful miracle morning, and Grandma Connie had our boys! We were able to tour the course in Rosemount we never made it down to play with a dawn cruise around the first nine and Andy played the back nine while I watched him and warmed up with a jog.
I beat my time goal of an hour and was hoping to be at bogey golf!
Memorable moments include a shorter par 4 I would have drove IF my ball hadn't cracked the NO CART sign by the green!
4 putting 16, 17 and 3 putting 18 hurt the heart a bit... wow the adrenaline gets you! But before that I was hitting the ball (mostly) straight and playing best I have in a few weeks.
I met some great players from Missouri who travel all over, and seriously was tempted for a bit to go to Springfield, MO next weekend for their tournament if we didn't already have plans I'm excited about with the in-laws (which will include some speed golf ;)! Next year... Next year Springfield ;) Got some learning, new goals and practice to do... Onward to Mankato half for now... long run training commences and continuing my crosstraining with new challenge groups beginning tomorrow!
It was fun to check the old blogs and old scores I kept! And wow, I sounded a bit like a wellness coach then too, and truly had my first fitness change with accountability when Speed Golf used to be the only way I'd run :)
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Dear Evan! You're two years old today!!
Dearest Evan!

We love playing golf with you, driving a golf cart with you, and just being outside. You love your Paw Patrol toys and are definitely a vehicle, car, garbage truck, motorcycle boy in ways Dec never was. But you have a healthy fear Dad scared into you about cars coming on road and parking lots and always love to hold our hand!
As your language is exploding, I get sad about losing your personal "funny and cute" uses of words! Whenever you want to do something alone, which is often, you clearly say I ME I ME I ME! You sort of know colors but more by milk cup colors of childcare friends. You see yellow, you call it Jaxson. You see red, you call it Gaga... which you can already say his full name but at least prefer Gaga more! And it is getting less and less, but when I'm doing something you don't want me to do like sunscreen or diaper, you call me my daycare name, Brookie Cookie and not Mama!
You still point out groups of everything as 2!! I love your counting skills :) Declan always asks you how many _______ in the world? TWO you say while holding up 1 finger!
It melts my heart everytime you get your brother to play or wrestle, say Declan's name with a smile when he enters a room, and how you just totally keep up with him! We had a fun family filled Birthday week celebrating you at Fox Hills in WI and can't wait to see what the wonderful two's will be like for us!
We love you for all that you are, and all that you will be!
Love, Momma
Monday, June 12, 2017
Goodbye/Progress Photos.. ONE YEAR!!
My mission, my whys and reasons for coaching and sharing my truths on social media are two fold...
First, I want to encourage everyone, especially women and moms, to not lose themselves in careers or parenthood but to pursue care and passions that helps them to be a better version of themselves. Then, they can give the best version of themselves to their world and to their children.
I especially enjoy doing this through wellness, nutrition and fitness so the odds are in their favor to be around as long as possible demonstrating healthy habits for all the influential minds in their lives!
I will forever be grateful in this last year, one of the most challenging but wonderful years of my life, that I had personal encouragement through wellness challenge groups and Beachbody. It may not be a route through nutrition or fitness for you at this time or ever, but I'll always cheer you on to find your route!
Our challengers in June took their goodbye/progress photos today and are hiding their scales. I didn't take half of these with any intention of EVER sharing them... but here I am, sharing a YEAR's worth of progress photos to say if you'd like to make a change, YOU COULD DO THIS!!!! There was 6 months that were full of tons of ups and downs and almost quitting and restarting 10x... And over 6 months of obsessing over scale numbers... I've deeply ingrained now it is not totally about the scale but my why's, the energy, the personal development and challenges, the role-modeling for friends/family/children, my peace in the now and my health in the future... The below pics had scale numbers that ranged 15 lbs... And now I'm closer to the starting number than the lowest number but most confident in HOW I FEEL, what I've learned, and the tone I see. Many of us feel these are all things we need to learn on our own, but they aren't! I couldn't have done it without others and I'm here to help ease any similar obsessions and anxiety like I had!! And I just want to help encourage with daily motivations to overcome the resistance we feel.
A favorite quote from a current book I'm reading has pretty much summed up what I'm learning and working on daily. From Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly: "Resistance hates ordinary, everyday actions. Resistance likes to distract us, keeps us thinking about things we can do nothing about. People tend not to put exercise, prayer and church, spending time with their spouse and children, and many other important "ordinary" things on their schedules. As a result these things often get neglected and pushed aside.
Mid June 2016: (All of these are core flexed)
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Dearest Declan, You're 4 Years Old!
Dearest Declan, You're 4 Years Old!
You are celebrating in Michigan today with Grandma Sue and Grandpa Tim and Great Grandpa Pete and Elaine!!! You were very sad and telling Daddy you didn't want a birthday party because you weren't going to get a remote control car like you saw at Sandy Park. But you did! And you had the best early party via videos I saw! Auntie B and I are here in MN just talking about the wonderful 4 years you have graced us with!!
You are so inquisitive and curious and we love your never ending questions. Your imagination and play (albeit a tv combo of Pokemon, Paw Patrol, Octonauts and Puppy/Baby) take you on adventures I am so blessed to witness. Your best friends are Charles & Finnegan but you three love taking the younger boys on your journey's. I love journaling with you at supper and hearing your versions and the way you describe things!
You are an amazing big brother. I love when you talk to him and tell him what we are doing and how fun it will be.. or how you tell him the rules... "Mom is just telling you the rule, and it is the rule so just listen..." "Mom will win" you have said a few times with him! (But news flash... Evan is winning way more than you did.... )
But on that note, you are a Momma's boy for sure! You definitely don't care for having us leave and having babysitters.... or even Auntie B... you just go hang out in your room alone if you want to express that point! But here is hoping a summer of some new experiences (swim lessons and VBS) and a new year help you get used to other people besides me.
I thank God everyday for making me your mom! We love you through and through!!
P.S. Even though you were in a solid no pic phase for half of your three year old life, here are a few favs:
Friday, April 14, 2017
Science Museum
We started our family day at the Science Museum and finally joined with the membership my mom gave us!
I was worried it would be a little old for the boys but they loved it and they were busy exploring and playing and asking questions the whole time!
I was worried it would be a little old for the boys but they loved it and they were busy exploring and playing and asking questions the whole time!
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Weekend Away
Where can you hike and tour microbreweries one day, ski the next and golf the third day in 75 degrees!?!
Denver in March!
We had a blast heading out for a quick 3 day "spring break" weekend to get away and see our friend Al! Our boys were with Grandma Connie in Chisago. We both wondered for a minute if we leave our boys on weekend trips or evenings too often... and then we decided no, just the right amount for everyone's health! It really is so good for us as parents and our marriage to have just adult time! And we thank God and know we are so lucky all the grandparents are so willing to help and the boys are blessed to have them.

Apparently there is well over 100 micro/craft breweries in the Denver area. They can't serve food but all have a food truck and a large following as they all seemed packed by early afternoon!
Traffic into the mountains was non existent so we headed a little further than originally planned to Beaver Creek... aka Beaver Beach a band kept saying and I agreed! It was 50 degrees and though spots got slushy, it was gorgeous. I think that day of skiing in the sun is top of my list for 2017 so far. I forgot how freeing it feels and how nothing else I can think that I have done that compares to flying! Skiing down a MOUNTAIN for 10 minutes+... and not just for a hill for a minute... is exhilarating.
Monday, January 9, 2017
2016 Interview with Declan and Evan
Evan!! You were 18 months yesterday! I had started a letter and then remembered I wanted to do this as well and your letter was repeating a lot of the 16 month letter and our Christmas letter. But basically you are such a Daddy's boy and I am your cook and diaper changer but you like when I read you books so I have that going for me!
Here are both your answers...(We were downstairs and circle time bubbles were in sight so that swayed lots of Evan's answers ;) )
I am this old: Three and a half EVAN: One and a half
The best show on TV is: Not Octanuts Best is Animal Mechanicals EVAN: Baba (Puffin Rock)
My favorite thing about daycare is: Playing with Finnegan EVAN: Bubbles
The thing I'm best at is: taking happy naps EVAN: Pushing Up
My favorite color is: Green and Red and White EVAN: Gaga Baby
My favorite toy is: Firetruck EVAN: Cars and bubbles
When I grow up I want to be: Elephant trainer EVAN: Daddy
I like to take these to bed with me at night: Water bottle and my firetruck so daycare doesn't have it EVAN: 3-4 books, blanket
My favorite book is: Nibbles or Bubble Guppies EVAN: CONFETTI, Goodnight Moon or Snowdog
My favorite movie is: Frozen EVAN: Nemo
My favorite season of the year is: Spring EVAN: Summer
A food I really like is: Mac-a-Noodles EVAN: Mommy's boobies
My favorite animal is: Penguin EVAN: Dog Dog
My favorite sport is: Racquetball EVAN: Car racing and Sledding
My favorite holiday is: Christmas EVAN: Bball
My favorite thing I did this year: Played a lot!! EVAN: Vacuum
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