Monday, July 11, 2016

Dearest Evan, You're ONE years old!

My Dear Evan, You are One ALREADY!!

 We had your big birthday party a couple weeks early with your brother's too.  But you spent more time in the bouncy house than him, and had so much fun with the water tables, pools and your ball and Grandma Connie!

You may not have been happy in this picture from staying up past your bedtime (and me not letting you have cake before you were actually 1!)  But it was a great night and a delicious cake Declan picked out ;) 

Then on your actual birthday you got your breakfast donut dessert Declan picked out too!  We went and saw Finding Dory.  You watched the 30 minutes of previews (SERIOUSLY.. I was going crazy...) and then enjoyed following the track lighting on the floor and a cuddle nap on momma!  We also ate out with family at Betty Dangers Country Club!

We had a great time at the cabin for our 4th of July family cabin week!  It was great to watch you play in the sand and live in the dirt!  You ventured everywhere but mom is happy to have you back in our safe toy rooms so I can leave your side for 5 minutes!  

You are obsessed with wheels and driving and cars.  You are usually playing with "Dart" the tricertops or other cars.  You still love "sticks", wands, drumsticks. 

You are such a happy independent baby, but have not wanted me out of sight lately.  Comes with your age so I'm not phased knowing how fast it all goes! You are just the happiest guy anyhow so how could I not want to leave your sight too!  You love parks and being outdoors and you love and you love your "dog dog dog" (and your cats who are also "dog dog dog")  You chased Bouncer around the living room one afternoon for 20 minutes.  He kept letting you catch him and would just move somewhere else.  He enjoyed the taunting. 

 I thought you pretty much knew who your "dada" was but lately every male is a dada, including a doctor at your appointment today!  But your really dada is your favorite wrestling partner and Declan joining in brings giggles every night! 

You are our little peanut with strong muscles!   At the doctors today you were 28.5"  (7%) and 19.5 lbs (18%).  You have 5 teeth with another on the way!  You started really walking lots at the cabin.  Your words and signs are coming fast and it is so fun to see you communicate.  With your brother I thought every stage and age was my new favorite, but now having such a variety of ages and stages in my care at daycare, I think I'm really going to love this first year mark as a favorite!    

I love you for all that you are, and all that you are yet to be!


Your 10 and 11 month pics!  And here are other pics from the blog I tried to start earlier and forgot about before I did this one! 

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