**Written 4-8-16
(He really was laughing!)
My Dear Evan, You’re 9 months old already!
I think this is my
favorite “monthly” birthday as you have now truly doubled… 9 months in my belly
and 9 months in this world. And this
world is all yours for the exploring! I
love watching you bang on a drum, get your arm tangled in a slinky or just focus
on digging and dumping toys.
You love watching Baby Signing Time and even since our two
week hiatus of no cable/Netflix, Delcan has been watching his older ones and
you hear the song and you come crawling to the living room. You love to clap and wave your hands when you
are happy. You are 100% understanding
tons we tell you… especially “no” and you already get so sad when you don’t get what you want. We tell you to head to your highchair and you crawl there so fast!
You have had your first airplane ride to California to visit
cousin Logan, Jeremy and Jayne! You saw
the ocean, Disneyland and were voted the easiest, best behaved one there! Even though our family photo is about the only time you cried and one of the only times poor heat-rashed/sun swollen Declan wasn't.

We don’t have your wellness appointment until you are almost
10 months old so it can be your pre-op to your little surgery, but I am sure you
are in some low percentiles. You still
wear many 6 and 6-9 months clothes and the way you throw your weight around
climbing stairs and pulling up on everything you are strong. Your first tooth has cut through too!
You love love love food.
You eat more than Declan at most meals and really haven’t found anything
you don’t like. Avocado isn’t a favorite
but other than that, you eat eat eat! You also love water... baths from your brother and with your brother in the tub have you full of smiles and laughs the whole time!
You gave me about 3.5 great months of sleeping thru the night …
but I don’t remember what that feels like anymore… I’ve decided you definitely
miss me lots during the day so you need me at night and I guess I’m over it…Just a 10 minute cuddle so not to bad, just wish I could fall back asleep that fast! Though I’m exhausted too but know I’ll be sad when you do sleep better again
and are getting older!
Your Auntie B is the most amazing Auntie. She gives me daily snap chats of your safari
hunts, belly giggles and falling asleep in your highchair! I even walked in the other afternoon to you two playing fetch with a racquetball! But I
am so excited for the next two months to fly by (if only you didn’t grow) to
start our daycare and be with you and lots of littles every day!
I love you for all that you are and all that you're yet to be!
Love, Mommy
6, 7 & 8 month photos!!

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