Parks with Playgrounds:
- Shady Ridge
Women's Club(Piano Park!)Rotary-- Oddfellows (Purple Dino Park)
- Roberts
- Masonic/West River
- Riverside Jaycee
Kiwanis(Rocket Hill)- Fireman's
- Kimberly
- North Woods
- Lions Park East
- Tartan Park- (Pirate Park)
North/Community Playground(Park Elementary)-- Our "Home" ParkSouth(Frisbee Golf Park)- VFW
Elks- Lions Park West
- Rolling Meadows- (Slideless Park)
- Driftriders
- West Elementary
- Junior Community Women
- St. A's
WOMEN'S CLUB: We went here yesterday, March 28th, to get us all fresh air. Declan was excited to go to a "new" park and has made me excited for this mission! I used to go here a lot with the girls I nannyed for when I first moved to Hutch. Brought back some fun memories! Croix played fetch for almost the whole hour and has been sleeping ever since! Declan went down his first slide head first... and not on purpose. The look on his face was priceless and he was a little nervous getting in it the next couple times but was careful!

NORTH/COMMUNITY PARK ELEMENTARY PARK: We go to this park at least once a week as it is a block walk from our house. And it is big and awesome! Seeing Declan grow and climb and do so much on his own from one week to the next has brought tears to my ears more than once here! Andy brought Declan and Noah here one warm March Friday evening and them running to hug me was the highlight of my day. Highlight of their time was the puppy and their first spring wagon ride!
ROTARY PARK: The Albrecht's met us here on our first near 60 degree day on MARCH 11th! Declan was obsessed with the bridge and then later they made lots of "food" with wood chips at the restaurant window and threw some up as fireworks too!

ROCKET HILL: We got a little sledding in here but Dec wanted to spend more time at the park in February!
At SOUTH PARK or ELKS I didn't get pics but they are two other favorites I will later to make them officially count. At South Park, we were with my first Andie and her husband Jesse. But managing stroller, a toddler who didn't want to be in stroller and Croix while they frisbee golfed, I just enjoyed the park and company! It was a wonderful evening with our friends and sometimes just keeping memories in our minds is as good! At ELKS on a pretty cold day, I had Croix and Declan alone too so phone stayed in the car... next time!
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