Monday, June 8, 2020

Dearest Declan, You are 7 today!

Dearest Declan!

You are 7 today!  Seven!!  SEVEN!!  

I loved the Birthday card from Thrall Grandparents that said all the
Wonderful 7 things… Seven colors in a rainbow🌈  Seven Continents on earth 🌍🌎🌏 
Seven days of the week!  And on the 7th day, Creation Rested!
Though much of the world is at an unrest,
I believe change for the better will come out of this for all your friends and your
generation.  There’s no doubt 2020 has been a year we won’t forget.  

These last few months have definitely been a “7th Day” rest for you! 
Distance learning just finished and your teacher Ms. Blissenbach made your class
a great video slideshow.   We have been able to take evenings slow with no
scheduled activities.  Dad and I both have worked from home and you rarely have
left the house for any indoor places.  Do you remember playgrounds even being
closed and having to wear a mask the few times you went out?   Now parks are
open and we have put hours on our bikes, you are mastering rollerblades but would
take your scooter vs a walk anyday!  We also have spent time hiking at Willow River
Waterfalls and joining O'Connell's, our quarenteam, at Lake St. Croix Beach.

 And no doubt you will finish all 7 Harry Potter books while you are seven. 
You are halfway through the 6th book but you seem excited about the next seven-book
series you just got today:  My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish!    Finnegan and you have
enjoyed doing some Top Secret Adventure puzzle hunts.  

We did a combo birthday celebration weekend in WI with Grandma Sue for her day too. 
We just golfed, spent time on the bike trail and playing with Everlee lots outside with
water balloons, sparklers, and snappers outside.  Inside there was lots of dice games.

You still love Lego kits and Pokemon but it is fun to see your hobbies expanding. 
You are becoming one solid golfer and lessons just started up today!  The Nintendo
Switch dad got has equally been the thorn in my side, but the excitement in Dad
and your eyes.  You are loving creating worlds in Minecraft now which relieves a little
of my disdain for fortnight.

Some say seven is completion & perfection as the word “created” appears seven times. 
And you are perfection in being exactly who you are right now.   May you always keep
learning and you are always allowed to change your mind and then that will be perfection
when you are 8, 15 or 24.

Just Be You, Be Kind, Love like Jesus.  

My SEVEN-year-old Dec, I love you through and through, yesterday, today and tomorrow too!

Love, Mom

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