Dearest Family and Friends!
I do admit loving Andy bringing in the mail, opening all your cards and sharing with the boys who everyone is and how we know them! Traditions and stories..beautiful memories such a magical and meaningful part of life!!! Thank you for keeping us in your lists even though Andy wonders why I can't just be "normal" and make and mail cards... but time... less stress... I just pick this but appreciate all your thoughts!
As a whole family we had a year of fun and adventures and travels. Declan told Grandma Sue to Never Give Up when they were climbing Squaw Peak in Arizona in April. There was a lot of swimming and golfing there too! Summer went fast as they always do with Auntie B and Uncle Sean's wedding, cabin trips and playground and nature park tours!
Evan has grown into a 3.5 year old with quite the character. I thought Evan was my quiet independent introverted one, but nope, he talks and talks and talks... in a loud voice... All.The.Time... but he is hilarious like his dad! He loves swim lessons right now but won't put his "eyeballs in" :) He is the oldest at my childcare with baby boys but all girls closer to his age to play with! He plays a great Daddy with all the baby dolls and house they play most often!

This year I have enjoyed lots of my personal passions. I have tried to read and journal more this year and think my book total is officially 17! I love going to book club and helped do one at church. Being a part of a new MOPs groups at our church has been wonderful too. I enjoyed the challenge of 80 Days Obsession last Jan-April and I have restarted it but on a 120 day plan to run lots too ;) After 80 days SPEEDGOLF SEASON was here! I got in the most rounds of golf ever this summer since having children/not coaching HS girls! I truly loved my experience going to NY for the US/World Speedgolf Champs and plan and dream to grow little fun leagues in MN this spring!
This holiday season I took little break from wellness coaching but will be back now more this winter and spring. Hours spent in journals, reading the Bible and prayer, it is becoming clearer to me how living the gospel involves togetherness, connection. And those who are blessed and have much, much is expected of them. And I know we are blessed beyond needs and have to do more for others, and not just myself, my time, etc... I am beyond scared but excited to run the TC Marathon next Oct with Team World Vision for clean water for children in villages and communities. I can't wait to hear about the child we are sponsoring and share more with my boys.

Prayers for a wonderful 2019 year from our family to yours!!
With love, Brooke, Andy, Declan, Evan, Croix, Bouncer and Fuzzy
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