Monday, February 10, 2014

Freezer Meal Making Day!

My evenings with my boys go so fast.  And though I like cooking (but can't say the same about dishes) I don't want to spend over an hour in there every night... Even on the simple meals from prep to clean up it's 40 minutes...  Especially now that my baby led weaning Declan is really eating a ton now, pizzas 4 nights a week just won't cut it.  (Just kidding about the 4 nights a week... I would never eat that much pizza to Andy's dismay.)

So I was THRILLED when one of Andy's high school friends told the Facebook world about her Freezer cooking page and she emailed out recipes from their recent day of cooking to me full of other great tips.   

So Saturday, two of us grocery shopped Walmart and Cash Wise via phone  (earbuds recommended next time...) comparing prices on everything.  It took longer but for 72 meals, it was worth the extra hour... 90 bucks a person for 12 meals... I was pleased! 

Just one of the two tables of food.

 And Sunday, we chatted, laughed and cried (over onions), opened cans, browned some beef, chopped, prepped, poured and only messed up tablespoons for teaspoons once (it was garlic... everyone loves garlic!) in around 4 hours.  

If this interests you, let me know!  I seriously want to continue this after only two meals of ease! Tonight,  I for sure had an extra 40 minutes to an hour to play and relax (and blog on a weeknight...!)  I want to get a calendar date set and a rotation going of where we cook, who shops etc.  I'll be happy to find recipe ideas and  keep up the recipes/grocery lists/label making for bags!

If this interests you, but you are nowhere near Hutch or have enough friends closer to you to get your own groups going, some links are below for ideas!  We did just 12 of the 16 recipes on that page.  The labels are the cooking directions that label the ziploc bags and the grocery list is of the 12 recipes we did.  It's an excel chart you can edit based on number of people you are prepping/cooking with.  

Other tips are having people bring a cutting board, 2 or 3 mixing bowls, knife, onion choppers, measuring utensils and if not a lot of spice is used, see if people have that in their spice cupboard.  Lay out the recipes and put the ingredients in each zone.   

My 12 meals ready to go in the freezer!

Santa Fe Chicken we had tonight.  Last night was Enchiladas!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post and great tips..even I also think that hard work is the most important aspect of getting success..
    vidalia onion chopper parts
