Dearest Declan!
Happy Unbirthday! Time has never gone faster since becoming your mom. You are really growing into a boy with a personality who knows what he likes, which is lots of things!
About a month ago we started giving you solid foods! You are feeding yourself everything and we aren't just giving you pureed mush! You have had cucumbers, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes (you LOVED those on Thanksgiving), beans, peas, broccoli, avocados, oatmeal fingers, cheese, noodles, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, pears, applesauce... and probably other things... You still don't necessarliy swallow a ton, but you love to gnaw and chew on it all. Your dog Croix loves it too and has to be in his kennel during meal time but likes to clean up your highchair after meal time!
We are in the middle of your first holiday season! Halloween you were a Tiger and we visited some friends. Cameron was an elephant and Noah was a Pumpkin!
We had a great, relaxing Thanksgiving break at Grandma Connie's with the meal being at great Aunt Brenda's! You loved the sweet potatoes!!
You had your first St. Nick's day and got an adorable person bag, perfect shoe puppy booties, and a snowman making kit! And now we are just getting ready for Christmas at both grandparent's homes! Dad has had a lot of fun decorating you for Christmas!

The Declan was Hung by the Chimney with care!!
You started using two Christmas presents already.. your amber teething necklace and blue foam playmats for our dining room! On Wed. Dec 18th, you will be Baby Jesus in our churches live nativity and we'll be Mary and Joseph. I am very excited for your first acting roll!
This last week Grandma Sue and Grandpa Tim (for couple days) were here to hang out with you! They had a lot of fun seeing how much you have grown since your baptism! We did some shopping with Grandma and went to one of our favorite college restaurants that bears grandma's name... Psycho Suzi's! And then we got to spend some time with your friend Malorie who was born on November 10th! She is a sweet pea!
Age: 6 months (Dr. Appt. Fri. 13th!)
Weight: Guessing.. 19 lb Way off again: 16 lbs 8 oz 27%
Length: 27 inches 26 1/2" 40%
Head: 17 inches 17 1/8" 52%
Feats/Mobility: You are sitting, almost, on your own! But we have you practice still in your sittin' box! All the toys at your reach and no topples. You are using a spoon pretty well by your self and like to eat of both sides of it. You ROLL everywhere and the scooting is starting... You rolled right into the fire place edge the other day while I was doing dishes and I felt terrible when I heard your pain cry :(
Likes: All dogs... You are always smiling at them. Eating.
WHOOSH!! You favorite word... check out this video
WHOOSH! You love taking glasses, mugs, cups from Dad and me. You love to chew on the glass but have enjoyed sipping some water too. You still like books... but now you like to eat them and hold them yourself.
Dislikes: Getting put in your carseat. Getting clothes taken off or put on...especially sleeves. Your nook... you have really had no want for your pacifier lately, which is fine by me... but in church this morning you used it for a bit and I was amazed. And last, Dad and Mom making you be both a Packer and a Viking fan.
I love you through and through,