Where can you hike and tour microbreweries one day, ski the next and golf the third day in 75 degrees!?!
Denver in March!
We had a blast heading out for a quick 3 day "spring break" weekend to get away and see our friend Al! Our boys were with Grandma Connie in Chisago. We both wondered for a minute if we leave our boys on weekend trips or evenings too often... and then we decided no, just the right amount for everyone's health! It really is so good for us as parents and our marriage to have just adult time! And we thank God and know we are so lucky all the grandparents are so willing to help and the boys are blessed to have them.

Apparently there is well over 100 micro/craft breweries in the Denver area. They can't serve food but all have a food truck and a large following as they all seemed packed by early afternoon!
Traffic into the mountains was non existent so we headed a little further than originally planned to Beaver Creek... aka Beaver Beach a band kept saying and I agreed! It was 50 degrees and though spots got slushy, it was gorgeous. I think that day of skiing in the sun is top of my list for 2017 so far. I forgot how freeing it feels and how nothing else I can think that I have done that compares to flying! Skiing down a MOUNTAIN for 10 minutes+... and not just for a hill for a minute... is exhilarating.