I knew I could do it, and I did it... But I didn't have to like it. I say this next part with no jest, only utmost respect and sincerity and sensitivity. Single parents really are amazing. My mom did lots of it alone and man, I admire her even more after these two weeks. I'm glad she got some respite weekends when I was with my dad and Joanne, but they weren't really as she was usually working. And I know a few more amazing single parents by choice or by life tragedies and you all deserve a month of vacation on the government. I'd support that bill! But you may not be reading this because you don't have time for social media, but if any of you are... I am more amazed by you after this tiny glimpse into your life!
Raising children is just not something people should do alone on a daily basis, let alone weekly, monthly, ever. Even as a couple, having a support system and a village is what can help make us sane parents!
I do mean the following with jest, as I tried to look at the positives of Andy being gone to survive... our bedroom floor stayed cleaner, I was the fun mom with candy, ice cream and movie nights, I got a lot of busy projects done on my loner evenings. We should have stopped the mail as I finally checked it yesterday and I've been drinking iced coffee two out of three days as I'm lazy just making a giant pot every three days! I also got lots of future posts drafted for my upcoming blog at enthralledmoments.com. It will tell my story and my practices in childcare for parents and providers. (This is a blog I am actually proofreading/planning and hope you will subscribe!)

And Declan just continues to amaze me. He plays with Evan almost nightly for 20ish minutes while I "Clean for momma time"! He "reads" him books, pushes him in swings, and actually wrestles with him gently! He also wanted to bike all the way to ambulance park, and he did it! But I took one for the team and ruined my jamberrys I did one night for myself with chain falling of the bike! Declan tells lots of the Nalced stories now, and it just wows me watching his imagination deepen by the day! I love 3 year olds!
But he has pushed my buttons like it is a 3 year olds job to do, so come home Andy! I'm ready :) Sleeping in underwear tonight and probably snuck into my bed after snuggles but looking forward to a teammate for when I pick battles! Say yes, when you can say yes!
My sweet MIL had to go and make me ugly cry yesterday watching this "Slow down" video... I was already half way thru writing this blog to begin with and missing Andy! But it is so good if you want to cry watch this Unstoppable Momma video! If you don't want to cry, skip for now! But I'm so excited for Andy to be home and watch him soak in the moments with his boys! And have someone with me to say it: SLOW DOWN BOYS :)
Back to my second Ah-Ha, I deeply learned the importance of intentional scheduling of my day so there was me time to charge and recharge to be the patient, guiding momma and childcare provider I strive to be.
It meant getting up by 5:20 to workout/relax before my boys were up. It meant telling Declan he had to play and read by himself, or do the chores with me. Dang, he picked playing now... he used to be my helper!! But the noises with Evan were joyous while I did dishes! Two is soooo much better than one... (You know who you are ;) )
My dear friend Molly from our old town of Hutchinson has been telling her story through social media (Follow her on Instagram or Facebook to hear it!) and it has been so many things I've felt and needed to hear. I'm doing a online accountabilty Restore FitCamp in Sept. with her and know there is a few more spots so join us from wherever you are!! I wanted to start the "camp" a bit early with some PiYo/ OnDemand Beachbody workouts for my core with Andy gone and couldn't go to gym in mornings. It makes a huge difference in my energy and happiness. The beautiful power of natural endorphins! I love getting out of the house for the gym, but I will love this for the other mornings when I just want to stay home once Andy is back! The Restore Fit camp is a workout, Real Mom Real Jesus bible study, meal plans, and the superfood shakeology drink! I have just been doing these for 7 days now as daycare lunches because I was stuffing my face too fast, or not eating til later and stuffing my face too fast... I truly was skeptical they'd make me full, but recipes ideas are awesome with putting some fruit or PB, and there are so many different conconcution I'm excited to try, I am super content until dinner. I knew she plateued in her post-partum weightloss journey, and I was reaching that point but didn't want to slow down and figured why not test it?! Down 3 more pounds in just 7 days! Past my goal weight and now for strength in muscles and core! The meal plans/accountability/bible study/on demand workouts so worth the cost of shakeology for me. So the skeptical me really is thinking there is something to it! Stay tuned for my journey but I trust Molly and it helped her!