Our last Christmas break without children in our home was wonderful, but it is definitely time to keep the holiday's fresh and the next Christmas's to come will be amazing as well!
Britt endearingly gave our little one the new nickname Junebug. It has stuck and we like it... and no, if baby comes in May it WILL NOT be a Mayfly.
On Christmas in Chisago I opened an ornament from Aunt Judy and said, "Yeah, our first family Christmas ornament... Andy, me and Junebug! Sure, maybe it's the nativity, but ours is us!" Two minutes later Britt opens hers, so she has Mary, Joseph and Jesus and I have us!
After Chisago we had a great Christmas in Racine with Christmas day spend in Chicago. We played Celebrity and made it thru the holidays with no Thrall brawls... Well... sorta... I may have yelled at the boys for the first time during a game of Threesies.
The weekend after New Years we got some much need reuniting in with our college "housemates" and friends the Ackman's and Nechrebeckis. This was the first time we met Riley since she was a tiny 4 lb baby in the NICU and 8 months later she is still a peanut, but an adorable one. The weekend was filled with football (Poor Vikes are done again), MarioKart GameCube, too much Call of Duty (in my opinion...) and training Croix and Andy in babyworld.